PV Ideas
- Jun 27, 2019
I’ve been toying with two ideas for the space venture promotional video. I think that doing a straight-forward mission statement video will lack impact and the CG heavy promotional content I’ve seen strikes me as a bit cheesy. At first, I thought instead that it’d be more fun to piece together something that references science fiction classics like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Solaris, or Space is the Place. In this scenario, we’d still use an interview format but rely on interesting settings like the Tottori sand dunes, planetarium, dark ride attraction, or even a rock quarry – something that we could frame in a way that makes it look extraterrestrial. I suppose the root of the idea is to create a visual narrative of the potentials of space exploration while maintaining a more standard interview format for delivering the mission statement. A huge motivation behind this idea is my deep desire to acquire and use a set of Lomo anamorphic lenses, which I think would completement this look immensely. The second idea is to create a one shot promotional video in their warehouse in which the interviewee walks through a series of aeronautical history based dioramas while delivering their message. Maybe a bit more difficult to achieve, but in the end probably more engaging, this idea would be more light-hearted and DIY, although not quite as humorous as the Dollar Shave Club commercial that blew up back in 2012.
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